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The Development of the Pacific salmon-canning industry : a grown man's game / edited and with an introduction by Dianne Newell.
Cannery village, company town : [a history of British Columbia's outlying salmon canneries] / K. Mack Campbell.
Salmon : the decline of the British Columbia fishery / Geoff Meggs.
Salmon canneries--British Columbia north coast / Gladys Young Blyth.
Salmon: our heritage : the story of a province and an industry.
Salmon cannery distribution on the Nass and Skeena Rivers of British Columbia / W.M. Ross.
Skeena : a river remembered / Joan Skogan.
The tinsmith [electronic resource] / Tim Bowling.
Strange new country : the Fraser River salmon strikes of 1900-1901 and the birth of modern British Columbia / Geoff Meggs.
Tangled webs of history : Indians and the law in Canada's Pacific Coast fisheries / Dianne Newell.

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