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Results 1 - 9 of 9 (page 1 of 1)
Salmon : the decline of the British Columbia fishery / Geoff Meggs.
Salmon: our heritage : the story of a province and an industry.
Salmon of the Pacific / Adam Lewis.
High boats : a century of salmon remembered / Pat Wastell Norris.
Restoring Fraser River salmon : a history of the International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission, 1937-1985 / by John F. Roos.
Salmon cannery distribution on the Nass and Skeena Rivers of British Columbia / W.M. Ross.
Dead fish and fat cats : a no-nonsense journey through our dysfunctional fishing industry / Eric Wickham ; foreword by David Suzuki.
Salmon wars : the battle for the west coast salmon fishery / Dennis Brown.
The salmon people / Hugh W. McKervill.

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