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Results 1 - 10 of 254 (page 1 of 26)
Indians of North America - British Columbia : pamphlet file.
Gwa'Sala-'Nakwaxda'xw stories, vol. 1. / [Conrad Vanderkamp, editor].
Snapshots from the north Pacific : letters written by Bishop Ridley, Of Caledonia / William Ridley ; edited by Alice J. Janvrin.
Indian food : a cookbook of native foods from British Columbia / [sponsored by] Medical Services, Pacific Region, Health and Welfare Canada.
Fragments of the past : British Columbia archaeology in the 1970s / edited by K.R. Fladmark.
Persistence and change : a history of the Ts'msyen Nation / written by Kenneth Campbell.
Regional analysis of health statistics for Status Indians in British Columbia : birth-related and mortality summaries for British Columbia and 20 health regions.
Food plants of British Columbia Indians : Part 2 - Interior Peoples /
The native voice.
Court of Appeal for British Columbia, Her Majesty the Queen v. William Alphonse (A) ; Her Majesty the Queen v. Harry Thomas Dick (A) ; Her Majesty the Queen v. Dorothy Marie Van Der Peet (A) ; Her Majesty the Queen v. William Gladstone (A) and Donald Gladstone (A) ; Her Majesty the Queen v. N.T.C. Smokehouse LTD. (A) ; Her Majesty the Queen (A) v. Allen Jacob Lewis, Allen Francis Lewis, Jacob Kenneth Lewis (A) ; Her Majesty the Queen (A) v. Jerry Benjamin Nikal.

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