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Results 1 - 10 of 55 (page 1 of 6)
Peoples and places of the past : the National Geographic illustrated cultural atlas of the ancient world.
The new view over Atlantis / John Michell.
Everyday life in Bible times.
Evidence of the gods : a visual tour of alien influence in the ancient world / by Erich von Däniken.
Pathways to the gods : the stones of Kiribati / Erich von Däniken ; translated by Michael Heron.
The earliest civilizations / Margaret Oliphant.
Splendors of the past : lost cities of the ancient world / prepared by the Special Publications Division, National Geographic Society.
Human prehistory and the first civilizations [videorecording (DVD)].
Atlas of lost cities : a travel guide to abandoned and forsaken destinations / Aude de Tocqueville ; illustrations Karin Doering-Froger.
Prehistoric peoples : discover the long-ago world of the first humans / Philip Brooks.

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