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Results 31 - 40 of 688 (page 4 of 69)
Human resources in the food service and hospitality industry / developed collaboratively on behalf of the BC Provincial Cook Articulation Committee and go2HR; developing, editing and reviewing by Wendy Anderson, Selkirk College [and 29 others].
Research and information needs assessment to support sustainable watershed management in the Thompson-Okanagan natural resource region, British Columbia / Rob Scherer, Todd Redding, Kevin Ronneseth, and Dave Wilford.
Coast Mountains Natural Resource District forest stewardship plan : 2023-2028 / administered by BC Timber Sales, Skeena Business Area.
Forest stewardship plan : for Tree Farm License 41, Forest Licence A16885, and Forest Licence A16882, 2016-2021 / Skeena Sawmills.
2024-2029 forest stewardship plan : forest licence A95995, non-replaceable forest licence A97229 / Gitga'at Forestry Inc..
North Coast forest stewardship plan / Gitga'at Forest Products.
Guidelines to support implementation of the Great Bear Rainforest order with repect to old forest and listed plant communities / Allen Banner, Del Meidinger, Bob Green, and Sari Saunders.
Technical project management in living and geometric order / Jeffrey Russell, Wayne Pferdehirt, and John Nelson ; contributor, Brian Price.
The HR book : human resources management for small business / Lin Grensing-Pophal.
Taiichi Ohno's workplace management / [foreword by Fujio Cho].

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